Tuesday 1 November 2011

The multiplayer

Well today when we met we weren't in the best of spirits, but we soldiered on none the less, it wasn't a very productive meeting...in terms of amount but we did get down how we would go about a multiplayer feature.

It was decided that we should keep the multiplayer to a localized co-op , we did have another way to take it , we thought about making it a huge server that had all the different eras and you could enter in a max of a party of 4, others could join and you would be able to meet with them and interact with them through-out the server, for instance you could PvP with them but alas that idea was scraped as trying to incorporate the key events I was talking about before hand would be a mess and we feel that it wouldn't really do the game justice if it was to be implemented that way.

So back to the localized Co-op, so its held by the player with the best connection and has a max capacity of 4, and the way it works is basically like the single player...where you progress through your own story with the aid of your 3 companions and then you get end, in a nutshell, we do have it so that if you have a character in singleplayer you can use that character and everything they have unlocked in multiplayer, the difficulty setting on multiplayer is based on the skill level of the party leader, not the host of the server, the reason for this is to allow players to play at a skill level they choose...and as to make the game more of a challenge for higher level players..so the enemies will scale in difficulty in relation to the players level.

I will post more info as it becomes available..

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