Tuesday 29 November 2011

The finish line is in sight

So we have to finish this game design document by next week. A challenge we accept with open arms...we are now in the final stages of completing the design document...putting the final touches to it in such areas as,gameplay, multiplayer, game engine, rendering and so on.

I dare say we are on schedule to hand this in on time, now the pitch of our game is a different matter, fifteen minutes of uninterrupted spot light on the three of us, while explaining our game. We are to present our selves as enthusiastic about the game, makes sense right. Fortunately for us we are all enthused and ready to go...as we have worked on this game for ten weeks now, im pretty confident when I say we know the ins and outs of it.

We have concocted , what we think, is a great format for our pitch. We think it will grab the attention of the audience and hold their attention for the full fifteen minutes...well I guess only time will tell. Once submitted I will put the design document up for all to see the inner workings of our game.

For now though, I have a great treat...more concept art. This time of the Distorted, unfortunately only three of the five distorted are done purely because my hand has went into severe cramp..I will hopefully have the rest done tomorrow and up.

Incase you forget their discription, ill add that in too.

Distorted: Vaelen

Human like form with demonic wings and massive tails, they are considered scouts for the Praetor and Xicisc, they have sharp talons and can defend themselves if attack, commonly weak.

Distorted: Srinth
Leviathan, it is the combination of creatures, you will spot its roar even before you see it, do not attempt to take this on yourself, it has the dangerous ability of corrupting you  and making you attack your friends.

Distorted: Cryven
Never seen, the only reports of a Cryven has been the sound of its cry as it drags away its victims, although no one gets away from a Cryven when it has its eyes set on someone, people have reported that they felt like someone was staring into the depths of their soul and distorting it, and shortly after while feeling this, they hear a blood curling cry.

N.B. All works you see on this page of the blog and previous are licensed under the Creative Commons act...
..upon visiting deviantArt . Please bare this in mind.

Visit: http://t-beattie.deviantart.com/gallery/33989279 for more on the World of Somnium

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