Friday 21 October 2011

Malleus Malificarum

I apologize for the lateness of my post, work has been piling up.

Anyways lets get right in about this.

I don't know if we have been clear on this, but when you enter the pod you are taking on the world and back story of the character you select but not the actions, you are free to define your role and what you do after you enter their memory..the character back stories are in place so you can have a feel as to what happened previous to you entering Somnium.

This week we had to think of story for our game, So two of us set about the task of creating a  back story which we believed would help the game, but it was not to be and after doing that work it was 2 for the story and 1 against it so a compromise had to be met, it was decided as we are doing a multiplayer rpg type game that there would be no back story for the future.

 it is simply you in the future entering somnium.
there is a woman guiding you down the corridor explaining how to enter somnium. 

This is because we want the player to feel like it is infact them in the future going into the pod and we can't very well do this by putting a fictional characters story in there ...and following in the footsteps of all the mmo's out there, your character at time of creation does not have a personal back story but at the time of game completion he has an immense back story. this is what we are aiming for.

the overall story while in the pod has not been formally laid out for all to see, the general idea is Total free reign to do what ever the hell you want. but those choices could hurt them or help them later on, there will be a main story to ad hear to and it must be completed in order to get out the pod.

the main story we are still chucking about ideas for but it seems we are all in general agreement that each era will have a few different key events that act as main story way points, the theory here is to make these key events interlink through the distortion caused by the pod malfunction so for instance...

...we are in the templar realm ready to take on some mercenaries from the order of the black hand. we rush into battle and *BOOM*  all of a sudden you are in the merc realm defending your self from gun shots and taking out the leader of a rival army that has nothing to do with the templars and is radically further on in the time stream...this works the opposite way too, the key events are seemingly random and can be from that era or from a different era.

this is to maintain excitement and wonder, "i wonder what will happen next, will i be fighting off demon spawn in the witches era and suddenly be plunged into another era as part of this event", we have thought about the effect this will have on a player, players don't like random change without any warning, especially when they think they are in the middle of an epic fight and then are shifted to another place so to counter this we are going to add in a warning feature to let the player know this event is prone to era shifts.

could promote this as a morality thing in real life, as if your decisions in game gave you a real life morality chart.

Anyway onto the main event

The world story of Malleus Mallificarum.

Malleus Malificarum
This is a briefly detailed description of the era the witch comes from. It allows the Player to get more of an in-depth feel for the place they are entering and may provide some useful ideas that may help the player on their way.

The era of Malleus Malificarum is a strange one, it is not unlike “The Blight” of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, in where it is primarily a nightmarish land where corruption is spread far and wide, you would be hard pushed to find an uncorrupted soul.
In this era the church has imposed a ban on all forms of black magic, witchcraft is punishable by a fate worse than a simple death, the church is ruthless in the hunt for all practitioners of the dark arts and in its pursuit have lost sight of their ideals and have become just as bad, or worse, than those they hunt. Witches hide their identity in fear of the church, even though their power vastly exceeds the churches. The witches tried to declare their selves before; a witch by the name of “The Unseen” made a stand and issued a call to arms for all witches. Unfortunately she was swiftly taken care of by the arch-bishop.
The land is for the most part dead or rotting only small havens of greenery still exist here, the towns are a source of much entertainment, people fear to stray too far from these towns…dangerous things lurk outside in the wilderness. The church aren’t these peoples only worry
The last page of her diary remains an inspiration to all who are afraid, a light in the darkness.
Day 47 since declaring myself.
It has been forty seven days since the beginning of a new era for Malleus, it is as I feared, the church has too strong a hold on this nation, not enough are joining the cause, I have spoken to many of my followers and found that the people aren’t joining because of the fear the church is to great.
To these people I say, I dream of a day we can walk the streets freely, being able to use our craft for good, there are those of us out there that wish this to be the case, yes we do not all conform to that stereotype of evil.
I ask those of the church, are you any better than us? You bully your way around the nation claiming you are doing the work of the divine! Your healing is based on faith, faith that everything in the divines power will come alright, YES , become part of the church and be saved. No, you will go to a worse place for what you have done to these innocent people, I have witnessed the church do nothing but kill, torture and kidnap in the name of the divine, while our people are widely hunted for what? Healing the blind, helping those who seek aid, yes there are those of us that would rather use a hex there and a fireball here, but the blame is squarely placed upon the church, we have been forced to take extreme measures to ensure our ongoing existence and potential safety.
No more of this hunt, I say, time to meet these oppressors head on! I may not achieve it today or tomorrow, I may even get killed while trying to achieve it, but that niggling thought will be there in all the witches throughout malleus , “We can change this”, if I die , there are a number of others waiting to take up the mantle, this is not just a baby throwing his toys out of his cot in a tantrum, we will succeed….    … are the key to this….Rise up…you have always had the power.     
As you can see this is not a place for a witch to go gallivanting about flaunting her powers, but one witch has done so, she will bring the church crumbling down with the aid of her allies.

…the church will fall.

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