Tuesday 4 October 2011

The creative juices are still flowing!

So we are in our second week of designing this game and its fair to say we have made significant progress .

although I doubt we are ready to comment on our unique selling point , that will obviously make this theoretical game a success and gain significant financial backing, we are ready to divulge a brief overview of what we are expecting the game to turn out like.

so where do I begin, we sat down to decide on what is going to be in our game ...such as areas and who are the characters going to be...this is all in very loose detail...we haven't fine tuned any of this yet but here goes....

The game will initially start in the waking world....where the rich are rich and the poor are poor and a revolutionary new invention called Somnium has allowed anyone with the right money to enter Somnium via a piece of machinery called a P.O.D (Pro-memory Output Display), this tech was originally marketed at anyone with a dream, although with the onset of social decay it is now only the wealthy that can partake in this unique experience.

we have for different eras in which our game is set;

The first era has heavy influences from the Napoleonic Wars from the 1800's although these areas will not be factual they will be based on factual things such like the uniforms the NPC's wear will be similar to the actual ones, the structures will have that Napoleonic feel to them... you get what we are trying to bring across here. This era will be called Pax Britanica.

The second era is called Sigillum Militum, which pertains to the time of the Templar crusades and the Illuminati, I'm thinking particularly within this era there will be allot of conspiracies the heroes must unravel in order to help them, as above it will have obvious references to that particular time but with a unique somnium twist.

The third, Maleius Malificarum, is referenced to the salem witch trials, sorcery and paganism...in this i think the church will be vigilant on the burning of witches and all those who harbour them, which could present a problem.

The fourth will be called Somnium,..if it can be thought of, its in this world, you are most definitely not safe in this world!

these are just brief outlines what could be our levels but for now they stay as is, it allows the player several different stories in one game that wouldn't bore them because it is ever changing

head shot concepts for the Witch and the Templar
I also have some sketches and preliminary art for character design.

all these and more can be accessed at:

Templar sketch

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