Tuesday 20 December 2011

week 12

Now I don't have much for this week at all because we have handed over our game design document and now are working on our pitch, our pitch will cover:

the story

the characters

the eras


leveling systems

combat systems

with a lovely intro video which shows the start of the proposed game, the guy walking down a hall in the dreamscape building asking questions about the P.O.D and somnium and then seeing the pod for the first time.

Better get to work

Sunday 11 December 2011

Game Design Doc...Finished!

So hurrah! we have finished our game design document. forty nine pages of sheer information, and some pictures, it took a while to get it right but its done.

there was a little confusion in the last week as to peoples interpretation of certain ideas people have put across, which required a certain amount of rehashing. Also quite close to the deadline we found that we had not put in a development time line and projected costs of a project such as this. So that was a bit of a stumbling block, which I'm glad to say has been over come, I and my team are satisfied we have met all the criteria, it is in the back of my mind that a little more could of been said for certain bits but ah well its away and nothing we can do about it now.

So the next couple of weeks will be focused on  the fifteen minute pitch we have to give on our game, we've thought of many ways to stand out from the crowd so that we make a good impression on the potential investors, I don't want to reveal anything incase spies from other companies are watching, and I know they are, haha, the only thing I would say is that I fear we are lacking in visual content, So I think stuff will need to be drawn up to convey our ideas, whats that saying pictures are worth a thousand words. Seeing that we have done an Rpg style game, I expect our pitch to have to be shortened into fifteen minutes just because the sheer amount of content we have. I will post the game design document next week. for anyone interested.