Tuesday 27 September 2011

So...our first day!

After standing outside the classroom for fifteen minutes, we had realised that the class had actually started fifteen minutes before, yeah I know...nice start to your first day Tom!. So after settling in, we learned we had to design a game...no not develop a game as some of you would believe, design one. It, in a nutshell, is the process of designing a basis for a game to sit on, such like character creation, story creation, what engines you will use to make your game run?, everything bar the actual making of the game.

So! after we discussed what a game was, which factors decided it was a game, we moved on to creating groups and in these groups we have to create a game design document, a pitch for this game and a personal blog for to note our progress and thoughts, which will be marked. The labs were there for us to use, or not but today they were getting refurbished so they were out of use. It was made clear to us that the labs were optional, common sense dictates that if you want at least a passing grade, you best be getting down to those labs.

As I noted some of the students leaving to go home I thought, well they are heading to a bad start, So my team, made up of my self, Bryan Watson and Scott Docherty decided to go down to Qwerty's cafe and churn out a few ideas. we were there for three going on four hours!

We came up with idea after idea, ideas were forming then collapsing and then forming again because somebody had thought of a brilliant hook for the idea. In this brainstorming session were were able to come up with a unique hook to our game or characters and settings, all of course in brief summaries, no where near as in depth as we should be going but hey, that is a task for another day, today was just to try and think about what our idea was going to be and I think we achieved that quite successfully.

I will be writing this blog at least once every week, so if I don't go into detail in one blog, rest assured that there will be another one in the following days going into more detail...

.. I will write another one this week going into detail about our thought processes and what game design we came up with and how we did it but I thought for the moment I would just stick to a bit of light reading instead of a large bulk of text with good amounts of detail, ill try to make it as entertaining as possible.